Saturday, December 6, 2014

Premature ejaculation - how to keep your body under control (Kegel exercises)

Learn how to control your body: 
Lay down or sit and close your eyes. Breath in thru your nose and expand your belly like a balloon! This will help your lungs to get bigger and to retain more oxygen. Breath out thru your mouth with your mouth open and get all the air out by sucking your tummy! This exercise helps to relax if is done correct for few minutes.
Penis (Lingam/ Lingham) and anal area: 
The penis ( Lingam called in Tantric massage) is NOT a muscle, it is simply organ tissue, like the tissue of your stomach or liver. The penis will not grow or shrink for excessive use or lack of use because it is not a muscle, the only growth that occurs is from the blood filling the spongy tissue upon erection. If you suffer from premature ejaculation than are few exercises that you can do.  Do not put too much pressure on it because may lead to other complications. 
You need to work with that area individually. For that you need to think about your penis and anus as being separate from the whole body. It is the same technique when is about moving our arms or legs individually. 
Even though the vast majority associate orgasms with ejaculation, there is a difference!  Are two different things! You can have multiple orgasms but you can ejaculate only once in a sexual activity.  It is true that ejaculation and orgasms happens simultaneous especially in male’s sexual life but it doesn’t mean that you can’t dissociate it! 

The refractory period is the period between ejaculation and the time to recover and get ready to ejaculate again. It is known as the RESOLUTION phase in the sexual response circle. Normally it takes between 15 to 30 min, but if you are younger it will be shorter and if you are older tends to get longer. This is also the time when your body is replenishing the sperm source so that you are able to ejaculate again! 

In the refractory period all of the genitals and body parts come back down to normal size, shape, color, it might feel a rush of intimacy and also sleepiness .

In order to have multiple orgasms you have to avoid the refractory period.

So how can you have multiple orgasms without ejaculating? Well… there are some tricks that are meant to help you gain control over your body and take you to haven!

Step 1: Edging 

Or orgasm control is when you come as close to the metaphorical orgasm edge as possible without ejaculating. It is very important to exercise so you find out how your body works and to train your pubococcsygeus muscles (PCM). If ejaculation is 100 % and between 90- 95 % there is no turning back, when you are at about 80% you should stop the stimulation until your arousement comes down a little bit and then pick it up back again.  You can do this for 3 or 4 times before ejaculating.

Benefits of this work-out!

1. Helps you to be in tune with your own body

Knowing when to stop and knowing the exact time when you ejaculate it’s a real benefit to your sexual life and for your partner.  This will help you to discovery new feelings and emotions which will bring you an immense pleasure!

2. Practice self control

Self control it is very import specially if your partner needs more time to get to that very high point of arousement. This will help you to have simultaneous orgasms and a more happy sexual life.

3. Stronger pubococcsygeus muscles (PCM)

This muscles are in the floor pelvic cavity and are the one you use to stop a stream of urine.  Strong PC muscles also produce stronger orgasms and can help with premature ejaculation.

Start the pee – unclench
Stop the pee – clench  

Work out your muscles by clenching and relaxing your PCM .
Do everyday 3 sets of 20 everyday for 4 weeks and you will see and improvement. If you suffer from premature ejaculation, this is one of the main steps in controlling your ejaculation 

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