Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Breath is Life

When we focus our attention onto our breathing. allowing it to deepen and relax within us, we become more sensitive to our feelings, more alive in our bodies, and more still in our mind. Breath awareness is fundamental to all Tantric disciplines and is employed as a key tool for transformation in yoga, meditation and all lovemaking practices. 

Breath brings us vitality. On inhalation, it oxygenates, nourishes and energizes our system; on exhalation it purifies us! Breathing is an automatic function of the body, and yet the majority of people do not breathe fully, using only one fraction of breath's powerful potential.
Conscious, regular breathing brings greater harmony and balance to the body and emotions.

So spend time each daybecoming more aware of your breathing and you will beging to feel the benefits in all that you do!

Recharging your body:

For 15 min each day , use breath awareness to relax your entire body. Lie down comfortably and consciously direct your breath toeards each body part, starting from the toes and moving slowly up to head. Visualize that each inhalation is revitalizing the area on wich you are focusing, and that every exhalation is releasing tension.

Tune in your breath:

Sit comfortably, with a relaxed but lengthened spine, plancing your hands over your heart and abdomen. Feel the rise and fall of your breath as you enhale and exhale. Breath stedily through your nose, allowing the breath to sink deep within.

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